Friday, 9 February 2018

Bitter weather and shorter walks.

Bitter weather and shorter walks.

The winter is certainly upon us now, this week alone we have had snow, sleet rain, dreary grey days but also wonderful bright sunshine. The weather seems to be all over the place and it can make it difficult to settle into a routine. Do we need to put the heating on constant, light a fire or de-ice the car?

Remembering warmer months and summer fires.

We acquired a dog a few months ago, so at least one thing is now constant, I know that I will be going out for a walk at least twice a day and possibly more if it's neither bitterly cold or chucking it down with rain. This has been quite a bonus as it makes me go out in all weathers and even short walks in the blustery rain and hail have been enjoyable. Well, I say that but actually the best bit of these walks is going back inside again! It truly makes me appreciate and be grateful for my home even more.

Gelli-print based on early spring last year.

I am set to start the first art project of this year next week. One which I have been thinking about and researching for a few months. I am going to create a small body of work based on 'Hearth and Home', which I will exhibit in my straw-bale studio next month. I have always been fascinated by fireplaces and their place in the home. I love how mantle-pieces are 'curated' by families and I can still nostalgically remember those of my grandparents and other elderly relatives, which were of the time when the hearth was the heart of the home, long before the introduction of a TV as a main focal point.

Fireplace installation at YSP last Summer. 
Our log burner has been lit most evenings and has become another constant this winter and I am so glad of it. The applied decoration I made last summer in the concrete hearth has worked well. When I sweep up the wood ash from it, I remember the time I collected the leaves, chosen from full and abundant gardens, pressed them into the wet concrete and looked forward to the 'reveal' when the leaves were pulled away. Their imprints are now permanently marked into the hearth and I recognises the traces of Passionflower, Hop and Grapevine leaves. Now on really grey days and darker evenings I find their subtle forms and detail are all I need to remember back to a warmer time, with more consistent bright days. These days will surely come round again, I just need to wait, patiently.

The 'Hearth and Home' exhibition is open to all and will take place on Saturday the 17th of March from 11-5pm in my straw-bale studio. The studio has a Facebook page of its own, to look at its 'life story', look up
I run art and design workshops throughout the year. These can be either 1:1 or for a small group and I charge from £15 per hour.
My own personal art page can be found at I can be contacted on 07432679164 or