Friday, 15 December 2017

A time of Sparkly Transformation

The Winter Solstice is coming up so at long last the evenings will stop getting dark so early and hopefully we will start to feel literally enlightened, a bit brighter and full of hope for the new year.
Personally, I find it very hard to slow down as the dark evenings close in. I am still surprised when its dark at 4 this time of year for if I cast my mind back to the summer I remember that on most days I was out and about until late, sometimes even having a swim in the sea at ten at night. That seems just ludicrous now.

My painting of the sea at Tankerton, a bit chilly now for a swim.

The wonderful thing about living in the UK is that I know that time will come around once again due to the cyclical pattern of our seasons. Perhaps our lives will have changed immeasurably over the year with births, deaths and other momentous events but it is a comfort to realise the world keeps turning and the seasons roll on.

I try and see this time as a sparkly transformation. Festive invitations and obligations keep me busy now but I am inside at home more in the evening and I am enjoying the log burner on most of them, as there does seem to be something very basic and special about congregating around a fire. Before we had the fire I would burn a candle or two in the room that we were sitting in, that would be our bright flame and like moths we would be drawn to the light.

Glass pieces catching the precious sunlight on my windowsill.

There are many sparkly festive lights which are brightening up most windows in town and suburbia at the moment, there have been momentous 'switching on' of lights, even some trees outside houses in gardens are bedecked with their own. Places are transformed by these decorations and it is magical.

I have a plan that between now and Christmas I will spend a bit of time walking outside in the dark, both appreciating the domestic twinkly lights in peoples homes and the ancient star light from above in the deep clear sky. Then to be snug back inside the house I will gaze at the fire and candlelight and feel a basic sense of happiness and contentment that no form of Christmas gift could give me. At this time of year such simple pleasures cannot be bought.

Making by the fireside, at a friends house.

I end this blog with a quote from a previous entry written at this time of year. I know this is well worth remembering too as we become busier and busier towards the 'target date' of the 25 th of December.

'At this time of year, it is not your Christmas presents that are needed so much as your presence.'

Wishing you all my best over this festive period.
I run art and design workshops throughout the year. These can be either 1:1 or for a small group and I charge from £15 per hour.
My own personal art page can be found at

 I can be contacted on 07432679164 or